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Steve Seog-won CHOI

Patent Attorney / President 


Administrative Law Judge at the Board at the Korean Intellectual Property Office

Examiner at Korean Intellectual Property Office

Examiner at KIDP of Ministry of Trade and Energy

Legal Advisor of City of Seoul

Member of Patent Attorney License Exam Board

Member of INTA, APAA, KPAA 


Kyung Hee Law School (LL.M)

Seoul National University GLA 




Korean Patent Attorney/U.S. Patent Attorney


Licensed to practice in N.Y.

JD/MIP, University of New Hampshire (former Franklin Pierce Law Center), NH, 2003

Electrical engineering, Hanyang University, Korea

Civil engineering, Seoul National University, Korea


Senior associate at Volpe and Koenig, P.C. in Philadelphia, PA, 2004-2013

Prosecuted patent applications in the field of telecommunications including WCDMA, LTE, cdma2000,

WiFi, and WiMax, microprocessors, optical coherence tomography, barcode readers,

LCD, OLED, business methods, construction equipments, etc.



Young Hwan KIM

Attorney /Patent Attorney


Law, Seoul National University

Patent, Civil/Criminal suits



Jae Hyun JU



Law, Busan National University

Trademark, Design, Civil/Criminal suits






President Seog-won Steve CHOI

Suite 208, 46, Digital-ro 9 gil, Geumcheon-Gu

Seoul, Republic of Korea

tel:+82 2 2051 1114 Fax: +82 2 2051-0444

© C and L International Patent Law Office

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